And Now it’s almost 2023 

 We spent Thanksgiving at the beach this year. We used to go there every two years, but that  went on hold with Covid. This was our first year to recommence. It  began with packing for a four day sojourn,  then a three hour drive to the North Carolina coast.  As a young person in Southern… Continue reading And Now it’s almost 2023 

The Grapevine

Greasy air oozes out when we open  the door to the truck stop cafe.  Cigarette smoke, grilled hamburgers,  burnt hash browns, and perked coffee replaces the frosty air outside.   Men in plaid wool shirts  hunch over  thick white ceramic plates of food,  heavy jackets draped over chair backs.   Ashtrays hold smoking butts.  A few… Continue reading The Grapevine


Bluebells It is bluebell time in England. The slender, dusky blossoms appear in late April or early May, after the snowdrops and crocuses have gone back to sleep and before sun loving, more vivid flowers bloom. No red, yellow, or orange interloper interrupts the cerulean swath carpeting the forest floor. This mild spring day Joseph… Continue reading Bluebells